Sin filtros ni Photoshop: el truco de las instagramers para salir perfectas en las fotografías

Sin filtros ni Photoshop: el truco de las instagramers para salir perfectas en las fotografías
©Foto: Instagram / @danaemercer

Que no te engañen las fotos de las famosas: sus cuerpos no son perfectos (los de casi nadie lo son). La celulitis está presente en nuestras vidas, al igual que los michelines y las estrías, y no por ello hay que vivir con complejos. ¡Hasta las celebrities tienen sus truquitos! ¿Quieres saber cuáles son? La influencer Danae Mercer te los cuenta.

Los cuerpos son imperfectos y eso les hace especiales: el 80% tiene celulitis. Así lo argumenta la periodista e influencer Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) en su cuenta de Instagram, quien se ha vuelto viral después de publicar varias fotografías donde muestra diferentes poses que ayudan a disimular la celutitis y a enmascarar los odiados michelines de la cintura.

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What would you tell your 13-year-old self? I’d teach me, baby me, that OVER 80% of women have CELLULITE. That stretchmarks are common. That bodies are MEANT to change. That thighs CAN be squishy or strong or soft or come in so many different shapes. And those are just some of the PHYSICAL lessons. The exterior, the wrapping. I’d also tell her about how women must support each other, about how society tells us COMPETITION is the answer but it isn’t, it’s a game designed so we all LOSE; I’d teach her about CONSENT and assault and safety; I’d hug her close and tell her how PERFECTION doesn’t make friends, but vulnerability DOES builds FAMILIES. I’d tell her so much. I’d tell my 30-year-old self these things too. And I suppose that’s what I hope we can do on here: Together, clumsy and messy as we are, we can REWRITE the rules. We can HAVE these CONVERSATIONS. Not just for the little girls we ONCE WERE, but for the WOMEN we now are. We can REMEMBER and LEARN and RELEARN these delicate, nuanced lessons. About our BODIES, and how our BODIES are so wonderfully NORMAL, even if we have been told for so long that they are FLAWED. About our PERSONALITIES. About our HEARTS. About US. Together. Together we can fight for this CHANGE. Whether it’s one wiggly jiggly bum selfie, Or one authentic moment with a stranger talking across a screen. Bit by bit Moment by moment Women EMPOWERING WOMEN One step at a time. x #selflove #feminist #bodyacceptance #womenirl #meufparis

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Danae, que cuenta con más de un millón de seguidores, explica en su cuenta que Instagram no es la vida realidad y que los influencers usan trucos y poses para mostrarse perfectos ante sus admiradores. En sus publicaciones recuerda la importancia de no compararse jamás con una persona desconocida de Internet ya que no sabemos lo que hay detrás de una simple instantánea.

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Insta vs Reality / or why PERFECTION is DANGEROUS. Perfection puts a wall up between us and others. It does. Whether it’s in POSING FOR PHOTOS or LIVING OUR LIVES. Especially for us PEOPLE PLEASERS. Because it shows only our sparkly bits. Our STAGED bits. Our MASKS that we wear when we are quietly afraid no one will love us otherwise. It proves we are good little girls. Only here’s the thing: PERFECTION builds that barrier. Because ultimately, it’s only a half truth. A brief moment. A STAGED PHOTO. And us humans, we are more complex than that. We are raw and clumsy with belly laughs and cellulite and fears and dreams so fragile we dare only to whisper them into existence. So today, show someone your imperfect. Show them your real. Let them see you for all the splendour and glory you are, and let YOURSELF be SEEN for the same. Whether it’s simply rocking your WIGGLES at the BEACH or opening up about your HOPES. Show YOU. As someone who has only started embracing VULNERABILITY in her 30s, trust me on this: It’s so much more incredible than perfection could ever hope to be. It’s human. It’s wonderful. It’s real. x Photos @chiclebelle gabrielleph as always #selflove #feminist #selfacceptance #inspiringquotes #positivequotes #iweigh #mentalhealth

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Las imágenes sinceras y reales le han valido elogios de sus seguidores, quienes consideran su hazaña “muy necesaria” especialmente para las jóvenes.

“Ya empecé a hablar con mi hija de 9 años sobre esto. Le he estado mostrando tus mensajes y hemos hablado de lo hermosos que son los cuerpos normales. Lucho con la imagen corporal y la autocomplacencia negativa. Todo lo que quiero es que mi hija se ame a sí misma y tenga una buena autoestima”, escribe una usuaria.

El truco perfecto

Sin photoshop ni retoques, solo a través de diferentes posturas. “Me tomó 10 minutos y muchas caídas para descubrirlo”, dice Mercer en una de sus publicaciones. A través de un vídeo de 15 segundos, la influencer muestra cómo posar para aparentar tener abdominales marcados o unas piernas más delgadas. ¿El truco? Depende de cuál sea la intención. Si lo que se desea es la segunda opción entonces hay que inclinar la cintura ligeramente para atrás y subir hacia un lado la cadera.

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INSTA VS REALITY: AT HOME, super causal, ‘look I’m in loungewear’ selfies are everywhere – and a lot of them aren’t nearly as RELAXED as they seem. There’s heaps of POSING to get that great shot. Which is great and cool. I love a good ‘oh so chilled’ selfie snap. BUT I also want to remind you that SOCIAL MEDIA is FILTERED. Don’t compare yourself to strangers on the internet. Because trust me girl, NO ONE walks around with that much of a wedgie. And your at home self is better than any selfie could ever hope to share. Curious about the technique? Here’s what happens. ONE Bottoms high on the leg for that long line. TWO Make a crop top. You see this with HOODIES a lot. Girls tuck it into their bra to make a waist. THREE Hips popped back and back over-arched. FOUR Core tight. FIVE Legs toward mirror, because whatever is closest to camera appears larger/longer. SIX Arm up so abs become longer. SEVEN Exhale and don’t breathe. And there you go. The perfect ‘oh I just threw this on!’ social isolation selfie. It’s a whole lot of work though. And girl? You’re already magic. x . . #instagramvsreality #fitspo #bodyconfidence #bodyacceptance #normalizenormalbodies

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Sin embargo, el truco más importante se encuentra en la posición de la luz. “La luz directa, como la luz del sol de la ventana, puede ser muy dura. Muestra todas las partes celulíticas, las estrías y las partes blandas de mi cuerpo. La luz más suave, como la sombra difusa de la ventana, es generalmente más suave. Suaviza y aplana. Es por eso que la gente dispara al amanecer o al atardecer, en las denominadas ‘horas doradas'”, confiesa.

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CELLULITE to BUMBUM in three seconds flat? Is it magic? A weird pill? A crazy dose of photoshop? Or, hey, how about just lighting. Lighting matters SO MUCH in fitness photos and videos. Just look at the difference as I move from sun into shade. So what’s the ‘secret’? Direct light, like the sunlight from the window, can be really harsh. It shows all the wobbly wibbly bits and stretchmarks and soft parts of me. Softer light, like the diffused shade from the window, is generally gentler. It smooths and flattens. The same goes for outdoors. It’s why people shoot at sunrise or sunset – the ‘golden hours’. You get those same flattering shades. Today I just wanted to pull back the curtain a bit. Remind you how easy it is to filter and frame things so they look perfect – even without ever using a touch of photoshop. But more than that, far more than that, I want to say how your cellulite, Your stretchmarks, Those are so gosh darn normal. So common. So BEAUTIFUL. And so WORTHY of seeing the sun. ☀️ #cellulite #stretchmarks #socialmediavsreality #normalizenormalbodies #iweigh #whstrong

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La pose a la española

Lo cierto es que Danae no es la única que ha sabido encontrar posturas que saquen el máximo partido a los cuerpos. La instagramer española Silvia García (@bartabacmode) descubrió la pose perfecta para estilizar la figura. Consiste en apoyarse en una estructura rígida y flexionarse ligeramente hacía atrás. Así, se consigue que la tripa desaparezca y se pronuncie una perfecta curva en el contorno.

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Postcard from Ibiza.🍯#bartaibiza

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Otra de las posturas más utilizadas por las influencers españolas consiste en levantar un brazo creando una línea recta en los laterales que difuminan esas arruguitas corporales que no nos gusta enseñar cuando estamos con una postura relajada.

Ya hemos visto que el body positive cada día gana más adeptos en Instagram. Cuerpos 100% reales y liberados, sin retoques ni complejos. Ahora que conoces los tips para salir perfecta en las fotografías, ya sabes que es lo que viene: recorrer la cortina, utilizar la luz y sacarle el máximo partido a tu cuerpo. ¡Qué vivan las curvas!

Fuentes Consultadas:

  • Sputnik